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Wordsmithery for all. New scribe website is live.

I have been writing since I was about six years old. Before nerd girls were a thing, I asked my parents to give me a typewriter for my 8th birthday. In college, I edited and wrote papers for money. It started out as an accident, just revising a terribly researched and edited paper on the Gothic cathedral as I typed it up. A part-time job was born.

At university, I worked as a dramaturg on various productions such as The Rover, God Complex, In the Heart of America, and Cabaret, working with actors on understanding the script, providing historical research for directors and designers, and writing program content like condensing the history of pre-war Berlin into three paragraphs. Simple stuff.

Later on, I worked as an event manager for 14 years where in addition to juggling 150 events each year, hosting opening nights, producing shows and even catering in a pinch, I wrote invitation copy, drafted marketing copy and managed correspondence with presenters and event-goers. For fun, I took on a number of HR functions, which allowed me to freelance helping people with resumes, cover letters and the entire stressful, job acquistion process. My freelance HR consulting load was heavy enough that I eventually developed a system I refer to as M.T.Y.B. - the system has proven pretty successful with clients.

Though I enjoy making the Gobsmack'd Greetings card lines, I also take on freelance writing projects covering everything from social media content creation and management to birth announcements to dating profiles (really) to website copy. And after getting a number of requests, I decided to finally set up a dedicated website for freelance wordsmithery.

So feel free to take a look at:


eco-friendly, because planet earth never did anything to you


© 2014 Gobsmack'd Greetings.

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